Thursday, 30 December 2010

It's Moi Birthday !

Same shit though - work ! I got loads of cards, a lovley ring , nice cup and some cds,and a million birthday wishes on facebook!
We bought microsoft office the other day , and there is a program on there called one note. I had a mess with it yesterday, its rather good , i just put a quick book together with our pets , but im thinking of doing my life story with it , boring for most but someone might be interested after i have moved on to worm food !

Wednesday, 29 December 2010

Bloody Fook !!

Well it was WI last night , 15-10 thats 4.5 lbs on gasp!
I did go straight from work,so didn't have my light clothes on like i usually do, my phone was in my pocket, the knot on my tie must weigh a ton,and i was bursting for a P !
Still, i have to dust myself down and move on , xmas has gone now , and new year is a non starter for us, we are both working. the one resolution we are making with our inlaws to live next door is --- giving up alcohol until valentines day ! dead easy to type !!

Monday, 27 December 2010

Back to the grind stone!

Back at work,i have had a subway breakfast bun so far , a bit doggo im afraid!

Now waiting for my chicken tikka on nan being delivered! Diet restarts tomorow , with a WI at SW ! Christmas has come and gone, and both me and angie are working all this week.

Heres a brand new fiesta that lost a battle with Ice and a lamp post !

Friday, 24 December 2010

Happy Christmas !

Its manic here , so little time and so much to do , just like every other house!
Bumped into my brother in law in town today (it's not hard really , he lives next door!) he was shocked at my appearance , he says he can see it coming off me :-)
We went out for an indian last night, and as lovley as it was , it knocked me for six , i couldn't drink! One trip to the dunny last night and this morning has rebalanced me!
I have dug my R6 out today and let it run for a while , but as my fellow biker bro in law said , we have no chance of getting out on them untill the end of january ;-(

Tuesday, 21 December 2010

3rd Week WI :-)

Well I weighed in @ 15.5.5, a loss of 2.5 lbs , and my half stone certificate to boot, I'm well chuffed! the Online predictor says i will achieve my 10% on the 24th of January , which is 14-7 , i find that a bit optimistic,as I only got to 14-12 on WW and that was at home , very hungover, so realisticly i have never been under 15 stone since I was 30.
I really do believe in this diet now , its amazing what I can eat and still lose weight!
We are both worried re the weather, its predicted to snow here tonight and tomoz,so that will cause a problem in angie getting home in the morning to get me to work , so i have had to set my alarm much earlier , in case i have to walk! Still, the exercise will do me good!

Mind Games!

Well I got up at 4:30 this morning for work, did my oblutions,and had an SP, 15-6.75 thats only a pound and a quarter less than last weeks WI, and I have all day to live before my WI. I was GUTTED! Angie weighed herself before sleeping (she works nights) and was heavier than last week, yet has been an angel all week!
She got up , I went for a snooze before returning to work for my second half of work,after eating noodles with chicken and onions. I have just got up,had another SP 15-5, if I WI at 15-7.5 I will be happy. Angie showered and had another peek, she is chuffed too! I think our WW scales were frozen this morning, all will be revealed soon!

Monday, 20 December 2010

WI Looms Again!

Well been good for the last few days , but im quite concerned about making WI Tomoz.
I dont finish until 7, but the traffic was insane today , and i finished an hour late! I will be mortified if i miss it,and im also worried about the weight of my jumper, shirt and vest , and trousers compared to what i was wearing for WI last week.
A humble 1/2 lb is all i need for my half stone in 3 weeks!
Fingers crossed! To be continued ...................

Sunday, 19 December 2010

I Am But A Man!

And I am entitled to sulk! I have decided to post this, 'cos Angie assured me that I wouldn't!
A few of my latest sulks - today Angie and the 2 yougest girls have been to the complete hell hole commonly known as Primark. The plan was to get on my 231 which passes the end of our street.
angie being exactly that, she missed it! I was gutted, I was so looking forward to having them on my bus.
2nd (and more desevered in my own stupid opinion) was a few days ago. Last week I bought mrs muffin an xmas card, and was still waiting for one in return. Imagine my indignation when mrs talking to eldest daughter remarks she must buy her boyfriend a card for his birthday!! Ok for him but tough shit for me! Well I remarked on this,and shortly after,she despatched herself to the asda,and I got my card!
So there you go , im a moody bleeder !! Show me a man who isn't !

Being good!

Work again today , had a bombay bad boy for my dinner (free) !
Stella has just won The Apprentice , so chuffed!
Hoping to nail the half pound loss on Tuesday , that will be 2 certificates in two weeks!
Its so cold at the moment,minus 7 ,snow is still on the ground , and apparently a lot more coming on weds and thurs , we will see!

Saturday, 18 December 2010

A Tad Naughty

Well i finished late last night,and there was a bit of special fried rice and curry left, so i ate it! Some prawn crackers were devoured too, all washed down with 4 tinnies! Still , one swallow dosen't make a summer!
Back on track with a bacon omlette for breakfast, the snow is back again , only an inch and half at the moment, i had a bit of exercise clearing our garden path!

Friday, 17 December 2010

Sneeky Peeks ....

We all do them! It's a daily ritual for me , well the sooper duper WW scales did cost a fortune!
As I pulled them out from under the bed this morning,Angie assured me I am becoming obsessed!
I was well chuffed with the 15-4 that was presented to me! I then slid them back under the bed,she slid them out again and weighed herself!
Its a leisurly morning today, im on a middle , i have just had breakfast , 4 trimmed rashers of bacon, 2 poached eggs , and half a tin of beans , all free , wooppee !!
I have today decided to stop keeping my food diary online,they say you should do it for a few weeks , but as i hardly have sins (except for cider which i don't count!) it dosent really matter , as long as i avoid fried foods, bread and sasuages i can't go far wrong !

Thursday, 16 December 2010

Snow Is Back

It lashed it down with rain to start , then snow in the afternoon , it hasd mostly melted. then the wind dried everywhere,now the temp has plumeted to -3 and every bit of water is now lethal ice!
If it snows now, we will be fooked royally!
I have just come home from work to the smell of a delicious curry , but im not having any , i am having noodles , i want my half stone certificate so bad next week !!
Work have just asked me to work xmas eve, but i have said no, jesus im already working all the bank holidays for them!

Wednesday, 15 December 2010

Never Laughed So Much Sober!

I read a young Irish ladys blog last night, and its so funny,her observations on everything had me howling at the screen, and struggling to read out the best bits to my wife! Well done Breda, thats not her real name, she dosen't give that , but I have always thought of that as the funniest Irish name I have heard of , my irish friends cousin was called that when i met them about aged 6!

Anyway she is a little Breda!

We have been to see another of my grandchildren today in Whalley Bridge, we called into what we thought was a carvery, but it wasnt. We were told we could have a roast, either beef or turkey. We thought that was best for SW, we were then informed there were no roast potatoes, not all bad because they would be sins, was mash ok? Yes I replied, well chuffed that temptation had been removed! Imagine my horror when we were then informed no mash too! So our turkey dinner was turkey,carrots,peas and cabbage, and a golf ball size of stuffing. Only a few sins in the gravy and stuffing, I should of asked for a ham salad!!

Here is a pic of my empty plate, the little bits you can see on it are the tops of the baby carrots,which were lovley, Angie ate the whole carrots , but i lopped the tops of!
The Empty pint pot had lime and soda in it by the way!

Tuesday, 14 December 2010

And The Slimmer Of The Week Is :-)

Im well pleased 5.5lbs off , thats 6.5 in a fortnight, I just missed out on my half a stone certificate too! hopefully will get that next week. It was the xmas meeting tonight, everyone brought a syn free dish in , i had bombay potatoes and curry, both delicious!
I won the basket too, which is funny cos we got back the noodles we had put in , plus another packet , 2 packets of instant oats,sugar free jelly and a load of fruit !

WI Looming !!

Well I have just showered and changed, got dressed and had an SP on our WW scales , 15-7.75 (three quarters!) If I get that at SW later , that will be a 5.5 lb loss, I wonder how the scales will compare! I have been really good this week with food , the only thing i tried to eat that i shouldn't was a sasuage roll whilst i was drunk , and it was disgusting so i binned it. I will post back later my result, its the xmas doo apparently tonight , we have to take some sin free foods , so i reckon there will be a sea of noodles :-)

Monday, 13 December 2010

Still being good!

Well yesterday, all i had to eat was that omlette! We went to the party , it was brilliant! Many ciders were consumed though! I was in bed for 8pm. I weighed myself this morning, i was 15-6, im praying tomorow i get a 2 or 3 lb loss from my 15-13.5 last week , that will really set me up for christmas ! Heres a few pics from the party.

Sunday, 12 December 2010

Weekend Again!

Well its here! behaved last night , except for the cider! I was able to get out on my bike for the first time in weeks, i had a ride over to hadfield , to see my daughter and one of my sons. Then back home , x-factor and strongbow! I have just learned something - how to make an omlette, a programme was on the other night,a bloke and a woman picking wild mushrooms. He then got a portable stove out , and made an omlette. he cooked the omlette until it was nearly set , then threw the mushrooms in, then rolled it , like a chop suey roll. I have just done that , with bacon and onions, and it was to die for! Omlettes will never be the same again!
Its my works kids christmas party shortly, the girls are well excited! More beer will be consumed , but i wont be eating any sins!

Wednesday, 8 December 2010

Still behaving

Another day on the wagon ! no cider and no syns, i even have eaten fruits today .
I am really back in the zone at the moment ,long may it continue !

Tuesday, 7 December 2010

Well its a loss !!

Hey this slimming word really works , after downing at leat 25 pints of strongbow over the weekend, and a lovley chinese meal, and a mega big mixed kebab , i still lost a pound , im 15.15.5 now , so back in the 15s! This weekend will be a lot different , im on earlys friday and saturday, and we have my works kids xmas party on sunday, so we are going to just drink there and stop when we get home , heres hoping !

Monday, 6 December 2010

Weekend Massacre !

Oh dear, i slipped into party mode as my long weekend started, and take away mode too!
The whole weekend has been pretty grim , although i ate quite well yesterday according to SW rules , but still had loads of cider!
We stripped our big fish tank down on Saturday, and gave it a good clean. On Sunday we fitted a bubble curtain too, it's lovley !

Today im back in control , I have had bacon egg and beans for lunch , and mushrooms, onions and onions, with some noodles for tea. Im drinking diet lemonade with lime juice , its my first WI at class tomorow, i will be amazed if i have a loss !

Thursday, 2 December 2010


well today hasnt gone too well. got up at 3:45 for work , all I could think of was toast , so i had 2 with one dairylea light spread on them. I was gutted to find out that 1 bread is 5 sins :-(
I had another to mop up my bacon egg and beans dinner , so theres 15 sins , my total allowance for the day! I have had boiled rice with curry for tea, and have just sucummed to a spare meat and potato pie !
I am going to log it all, and move on, truth will out next tues !
Angie has put the decs up today , it looks really nice. the snow is still playing havoc at work , and tonight they reckon its going to drop to -10 c. Our rabbit got out earlier , but luckily we managed to find it, a white rabbit in deep snow !

Wednesday, 1 December 2010

Tis Done !

Well I joined SW last night , calculated my intake as I was up at 3.45 so quick 2 toast for breakfast , then a sasuage muffin for dinner. my Tea was all free (potatoes and fish) so for my first day i had 10 syns, which is ok. My first impression is the awards arnt as good as WW,but when i get one i reckon i will be as chuffed as when i got my 10% at WW!
I was gutted to WI at 16.0.5, but I did have my wrangler jeans on , and a T shirt and jumper, im praying for 15.xx next week, the pshycological difference between 16 and 15 is massive for me !
Its a rest day today , the kids are off,the snow is that bad, so glad im not driving today , although i have been driven mad, trying to link my xbox 360 to my PC. Its far too slow , so i am just going to add an external hard drive full of my favourite choons to the 360!
Paco is doing well , growing day by day , not big enough to eat any of its buddies yet !